When I started making boomerangs there wasn't much help available regarding how to do this and how to do that, I taught myself, I asked lots of questions to fellow boomerang throwers but when you are competing against other throwers it can be difficult to get information because after all they want to win too! I actually questioned a thrower as to why he doesn't help me, his response was "Of course I don't help you because you are a really good thrower". The word persistence springs to mind when I think about my struggle to design a better boomerang that would suit my needs in competition, I can remember buying sheet after sheet of a variety of plastics in order to learn the craft, most of the plastic ended up as waste and went into the bin, it seemed to me just too hard to learn how to shape the different boomerangs into flying and returning objects, I would spend countless hours running back and forth to the park, making subtle adjustments in tuning to get the...